Posts by Veridify Security

IoT Security Update: February 2021

Veridify Security News and Updates Building systems are exposed to cyber-attacks, and our solution to address this growing concern is featured in Intel’s Solution Brief titled “Future-Proof Security for Building Automation Systems”, authored by Dr. Mark Jervis from Intel’s Programmable Systems Group, and our CEO, Louis Parks. This brief, ideal for those responsible for business…

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Quantum-Resistant IoT Security

Many IoT systems remain in the field for years or even decades, creating major challenges for security. Building automation and industrial systems are prime examples. Conventional IoT security techniques may be sufficient for now, but advances in technology like quantum computing will soon break popular methods like ECC and RSA. What’s the best way to…

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IoT Security Update: December 2020

Happy Holidays from Veridify Security We wish you a healthy and productive holiday season, and look forward to continued collaboration with our customers, partners, and industry contacts in 2021. In the spirit of giving and keeping with our annual holiday tradition, we’ve made a donation to St. Jude’s Children’s Research hospital. View more information about St.…

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IoT Security Update: September 2020

Veridify Security News Welcome to the September issue of our IoT newsletter. In this issue, we are debuting a shortened and more concise format based on feedback from our readers. This summer, our team has been extremely busy working on some exciting technology developments in our DOME platform for managing very low-resource devices found in…

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IoT Security Update: July 2020

Veridify Security News Welcome to the July issue of our IoT newsletter.  We hope this email finds you and your families able to enjoy some safe and healthy summer activities despite the persistence of coronavirus in some parts of the world. This summer, our team has been extremely busy working on some exciting developments in…

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Ripple20 Vulnerabilities

For anyone who follows security and the IoT, the recently identified “Ripple20” vulnerabilities revealed by the Israeli firm JSOF will not be a surprise. However, as the number of connected devices continues to grow exponentially, what these recent flaws dramatically showcase is the extent to which we are becoming reliant on IoT devices in both…

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IoT Security Update: June 2020

Veridify Security News To our valued customers and partners around the world – we hope this email finds you and your families safe and healthy during this unprecedented health crisis and the recent political unrest around the country. Here in Connecticut (U.S.), the state is gradually reopening. We are fortunate at Veridify Security to have…

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IoT Security Update: January 2020

Veridify Security (formerly SecureRF) News 2019 was an eventful year filled with progress for our company. On December 4, 2019, SecureRF became Veridify Security, a name that better reflects our company’s expanding role in security for the IoT, automotive, smart building, device management, and secure supply chain markets. In describing the name change, Veridify CEO…

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IoT Security Update: November 2019

SecureRF News The SecureRF team has been on the road to support several exciting partner and industry events over the past few months and have a busy new year planned. We believe in the power of partnerships in best supporting the markets we serve and look forward to expanding these and other partnerships later this…

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