Posts by Veridify Security

IoT Security Trends and Predictions for 2019

More than half of consumers expected to spend money on technology products during this past holiday season, according to a recent survey from Arm. Even though consumers are embracing technology broadly in their professional and personal lives, they said they would buy even more technology products if their security and privacy concerns were assuaged. Security…

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IoT / OT / Smart Building / BACnet Cybersecurity Blog Post Summary

IoT / OT / Smart Building / BACnet Cybersecurity Blog Post Summary – list of Veridify Security blog posts back through 2019 2024 Zero Trust for OT Cybersecurity: Cyberdefense Inside the Perimeter Modbus Vulnerabilities Used for Cyberattack on Heating Utility Protecting Building OT Systems from Cyber Threats Key Differences Between Zero Trust OT Security and…

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