Internet of Things

SecureRF’s IoT Security Solutions Available on the Arrow Chameleon96 Community Board

SecureRF’s asymmetric (public-key) cryptographic protocols are available on the new Arrow Chameleon96 community board. The company’s security tools enable deployment of small, fast and ultra-low-energy solutions providing integrity, authentication and non-repudiation for IoT devices. IoT devices are often deployed with little or no protection because most security solutions do not have acceptable runtimes, need a…

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SecureRF & BaySand Provide Quantum-Resistant Security for ASIC-powered IoT Devices

SecureRF has joined forces with BaySand, the leader in application-configurable ASICs, to deliver fast, quantum-resistant authentication and data protection solutions for low-resource IoT devices. Through this partnership, companies can quickly, effortlessly and economically develop high performance, energy-efficient devices using ASICs that deliver strong security. Security is a necessity for most IoT devices. However, 32-, 16-,…

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Webinar Replay Available: Rapidly Securing Constrained IoT Devices

Security is critical for most IoT devices. However, these constrained devices are often deployed with inadequate security because most data protection and authentication solutions are too resource-intensive. View our on-demand webinar to hear how you can secure low-resource IoT devices within a couple of days using asymmetric cryptography methods that do not overwhelm available memory…

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