Arrow To Go Webinar

Date: March 22, 2022
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Events | Webinars

Title: Making Cyber Physical Systems and OT Networks Cyber Safe.

Arrow Electronics is hosting Veridify as part of their “Arrow To Go” webinar series.


Physical systems are being connected to the Internet at a growing rate creating Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) that now manage critical processes in our industrial world. Unfortunately, this high level of connection makes CPS and the equipment and programmable logic controllers (PLCs) running on Operational Technology (OT) networks increasingly susceptible to cyberattacks. We will review the different types of security that can be deployed in both new and existing facilities, including Veridify’s DOME™ SaaS platform, developed with our partners Intel and AWS.
Speaker: Derek Atkins (CTO, Veridify Security)

Things you will learn:

  • The type of cyber threats to OT networks
  • The difference between monitoring and real-time security
  • How to implement a Zero Trust solution on existing networks and devices

Language: English
Seminar activities: Presentation