SecureRF to Showcase Quantum-Resistant IoT Security Solutions at IoT DevCon
IoT product developers interested in speaking with our IoT security experts and learning about quantum-resistant authentication and data protection solutions will have their chance at the IoT DevCon conference being held April 26-27 in Santa Clara, CA.
We will be showcasing our ultra-low-energy security solutions for constrained devices at Table 9. These solutions, which are at least 60 times faster than ECC and consume up to 140 times less energy, include:
- Authentication and data protection methods for FPGAs, ASICs, and microcontrollers including the ARM Cortex family, RISC-V, 8051, AVR, MSP430, and more
- IP cores providing hardware implementations of SecureRF’s cryptography for ASICs and SoCs
- A Certificate Authority for identity verification and public-key lookup
Evaluation Board Drawing
IoT DevCon attendees can also stop by our booth to enter a drawing for an evaluation board containing our Ironwood™ Key Agreement Protocol and Walnut Digital Signature Algorithm (WalnutDSA™). In addition, the winner of this drawing will receive:
- A USB-based logic analyzer containing built-in I2C decoding, along with Windows, Linux and Mac software
- A protocol analyzer for decoding and displaying data
- Three hours of security design consultation
If you are not attending the show but want to learn more about our solutions, click the button below to schedule a call.