Webinar Replay Available: Jumpstart your IoT Security Project

Devices driven by 8- or 16-bit processors don’t have the compute and memory resources to incorporate ECC security with acceptable runtimes and resource allocation, but many still require authentication and/or data protection. As IoT and IIoT adoption grows and customer concerns about security issues increase, so does the need for a solution.

Watch our webinar in which we discuss these challenges, review current security options, and explore how you can jumpstart your IoT security project with SecureRF’s quantum-resistant, public-key security methods that address the smallest devices now entering the IoT.

This webinar, the first in our series, also reviews:

  • Key attributes and needs to consider when selecting a security solution
  • Performance data demonstrating solutions that are up to 60X more efficient than ECC and consume over 140X less energy
  • How SecureRF’s cryptosystems will protect IoT devices when quantum computers are expected to become available and render other cryptographic systems obsolete

Who should watch:

  • Design engineers at foundries and hardware manufacturers with current projects that require a security solution
  • Product managers working on projects involving wearables and sensor solutions

Replay the webinar and download the slides now to learn how to make your smart things secure.

Get the Webinar Replay